Tooth Extractions – Mansfield, TX

Restructuring Your Smile to Be Healthier & Happier

Dental forceps holding an extracted tooth

Tooth loss is an unfortunate reality for many patients, and although it may feel like you won’t ever be able to recover from a permanent missing tooth being extracted or falling out, know that we have countless options to help rebuild your smile. Our team does our best to preserve your natural teeth, but in certain situations where a tooth’s health is compromised, we may recommend extracting it. Our team can work with you to replace your extracted tooth with a dental implant crown or traditional bridge, so you don’t have to go any longer than necessary without a complete set of pearly whites. Call us today to learn more about tooth extractions in Mansfield.

Why Choose 360 Dental Lounge for Tooth Extractions?

  • Start-to-Finish Dental Implant Treatment
  • Experienced & Professional Dental Team
  • Relaxing Environment with Comfort Amenities

When Are Tooth Extractions Necessary?

Close up of person touching their cheek in pain

Whenever possible, we’ll always try to repair and restore the health of your existing teeth. However, in the following situations, we may recommend extracting a tooth:

  • It is decayed and cannot be treated with a filling or other restoration.
  • If you suffer from crowding, a tooth needs to be removed before you can undergo orthodontic treatment.
  • Trauma has left a tooth cracked or otherwise damaged beyond repair.
  • Gum disease has caused a permanent tooth to become loose due to the deterioration of gum and bone tissue.